
This material is part of the Early Childhood Montessori botany curriculum. This exercise combines botanical terms from the Montessori Leaf Cabinet, and part of the Botany Nomenclature Cards. It consists of a series of three-part cards: 16 sets on leaf margins, and 13 sets on flower shapes, as well as all leaf shapes from the Botany Cabinet.


Interactive Video Lessons
Digital Three-Part Cards
Digital Matching Activities

Leaf Cabinet – Tray 1 – Cordate, ovate, reniform, obcordate, obovate, orbiculate

Leaf Cabinet – Tray 2 – Hastate, deltoid, spatulate, sagittate

Leaf Cabinet – Tray 3 – Linear, lanceolate, aciculate

Leaf shapes – Ovate margin, obovate margin, cordate margin, obcordate margin, lanceolate margin, oblanceolate margin, hastate margin, sagittate margin, triangular margin, elliptical margin, orbicular margin, peltate margin, reniform margin, spatulate margin, lyrate margin, runcinate margin, linear margin

Flower Shapes – Cruciform corolla. rotate corolla, coroniform corolla, campanulate corolla, urceolate corolla, tubular corolla, funnelform corolla, ligulate corolla, personate corolla, labiate corolla, papilionaceous corolla, spurred corolla, reflexed corolla


-promotes visual discrimination
-develop word recognition
-expands vocabulary
-enhances the sense of order

Prior Knowledge Recommended

Pink Cubes, Brown Quadrilateral Prisms


Leaf Shapes, Flower Shapes, Leaf Cabinet — Tray 1, Leaf Cabinet — Tray 2, Leaf Cabinet — Tray 3