
This material supports the Montessori biology curriculum. Children in primary level learn introductory knowledge about the parts and the functions of plants: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed. In the elementary level, the classified nomenclature serves to help children understand certain physical and morphological aspects of plants. The material consists of 849 three-part cards, 48 wallcharts, and 46 booklets. The nomenclature cards contain a description, a label, and a picture card for matching purposes. The 48 wallcharts represent all the parts together. The booklets serve as control for error for the nomenclature matching work.


Interactive Video Lessons
Digital Three-Part Cards
Digital Booklet
Digital Flashcard Quizzes

Parts represented, 849 cards total:

Plant: the plant, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit, root system, shoot system

Root: root system, root hair, root tips, root caps, types of roots, fribrous roots, taproot, lateral roots, adventitious roots, specialized roots, shapes of taproot, conical-shaped root, napiform-shaped root, fusiform-shaped root, tuberous-shaped roots

Stem: stem, node, leaf scar, vascular bundle scars, internode, lenticels, leaf axil, axillary stem bud, terminal stem bud, shoot tip, terminal bud scale scar

Leaves: types of stems, woody stem, herbaceous stem, specialized herbal stem, specialized underground stem, normal stem length, sessile stem length, Leaf, stipule, pediole, blade, cuticule, stomata pores, base, margin, apex, veins, main vein, side veins, veinlets, leaflets, type of leaf venation, parallel venation, pinnate venation, palmate venation, types of leaf margins, entire margin, dented margin

Flower 82 different cards

Fruit 33 different cards

Seed 47 different cards


-aids in organizing concepts mentally
-increases vocabulary pertaining to botany
-enhances classification skills
-promotes concentration

Prior Knowledge Recommended

The Second Great Lesson
Living vs. Nonliving
The Domains
The Five Kingdom Chart
Plant vs. Animal
The Story of Plants
Observation of live specimens


Parts of the Plant, Parts of the Root, Parts of the Stem, Parts of the Leaf, Parts of the Flower, Parts of the Fruit, Parts of the Seed, Types of Roots, Shapes of the Taproot, Types of Stems