
This material is part of a series of nomenclature cards supporting the Montessori biology curriculum for elementary learners. Children in primary level learned the anatomical nomenclature. In elementary level, children revisit the nomenclature more in depth. The material consists of 180 three-part cards, four booklets, and eight wallcharts. The three-part nomenclature cards introduce children to the various characteristics and functions of the human skeletal system. The nomenclature cards contain a description, a label, and a picture card for matching purposes. The eight wallcharts represent all the parts together. The booklet serves as control for error for the nomenclature matching work.


Interactive Video Lessons
Digital Three-Part Cards
What’s this? (Speech Recognition Activities)
Digital Booklet
Digital Flashcard Quizzes

Parts represented:

Axial Skeletal: Axial Skeletal, Cranium
Neurocranium, Visceral Cranium, Vertebral Column
Cervical Vertebrae, Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae
Sacrum, Coccyx, Rib Cage
Sternum, Ribs, True Ribs
False Ribs, Floating Ribs

Upper Appendicular Skeletal: Shoulder Girdle, Clavicle
Scapula, Humerus, Forearm
Ulna, Radius, Wrist Bones,Hand
Metacarpals, Proximal Phalanges, Middle Phalanges
Distal Phalanges

Lower Appendicular Skeletal: Pelvic Girdle, Ilium
Ischium, Pubis, Femur
Patella, Lower Leg, Fibula
Tibia, Ankle Bones, Foot Bones
Metatarsals, Proximal Phalanges, Middle Phalanges
Distal Phalanges

Types of Joints: Fixed Joints, Partial Movement Joints
Synovial Joints, Hinge Joints, Pivot Joints
Saddle Joints, Condyloid Joints, Ball & Socket Joints
Gliding Joints


-describes the parts and functions of the human skeletal system
-enriches vocabulary pertaining to human anatomy
-expands knowledge about human anatomy
-enhances classification skills, a necessary science component
-promotes concentration

Prior Knowledge Recommended

Introduction to the human systems


Skeletal System — Axial Skeleton, Skeletal System — Upper Appendicular Skeleton, Skeletal System — Lower Appendicular Skeleton, Skeletal System — Types of Joints