Practical Life — Early Childhood Manual


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The Practical Life Early Childhood Manual provides illustrated presentations to give for children ages three to six. The Manual introduces practical life activities with materials (e.g.- food preparation, sewing) which develop control of movement as well the practical ways to interact with the environment and other people (e.g.- grace and courtesy, care for the environment, care for a person). Suggestions are given for both the home and classroom environment (e.g.- the organization of the materials on shelves).

The importance of “control of movement” cannot be overstated. Research has shown that as children improve in coordination, their readiness to improve in other areas also occurs. Academic achievement parallels muscular control and coordination. To stimulate such orderly development of muscular coordination, Dr. Montessori originated several exercises. She used the interests of early childhood as their base: building, pulling, pouring etc.

210 pages


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