
This material is part of the Montessori Astronomy curriculum, and can be introduced following the First Great Story, the universe. The Sun is examined because our Sun, a star, is the most significant body in our Solar System. Next, the planets are introduced followed by celestial bodies within the Solar System. Internalization of the planet characteristics is easier for children when one particular characteristic is examined across all the eight planets. Therefore, the material is organized in a manner that allows children to understand a characteristic of a planet in reference to the other planets. The material includes the following elements: the Solar System, the Sun, the planets, the dwarf planets, the Solar System regions, the Asteroid Belt, and small Solar System bodies. It consists of 102 sets of three-part nomenclature cards that contain a description, a label, and a picture card for matching purposes. There are 17 wallcharts representing all the parts together. The 14 booklets serve as control for error for the nomenclature matching work.


Interactive Video Lessons
Digital Three-Part Cards

Solar system: Sun, planets, dwarf planets, Asteroid Belt, smaller solar system bodies
Planets, inner planets and outer planets, distance temperature, size composition, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas
Sun: planets, temperature, size composition, rotation, revolution, solar winds
Mercury: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, Caloris Basin crater
Venus: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, think yellow cloud
Earth: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, water cycle, support of life
Mars: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, Mars’ special features
Jupiter: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, Great Red Spot
Saturn: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, spectacular rings
Uranus: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, vertical axis
Neptune: distance temperature, size comparison, moons rings, rotation, revolution, gas, Great Dark Spot
Asteroid Belt: Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt, Scattered Disc, Oort Cloud, Asteroid Belt, Asteroid Belt Objects, Scattered Disc Objects, Oort Cloud Objects
Dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Eris
Small solar system bodies: asteroids, meteroids, comets


-expands knowledge about the Solar System
-aids in identifying the parts of the earth
-enriches vocabulary
-enhances classification skills
-promotes concentration

Prior Knowledge Recommended

The First Great Story


Asteroid Belt, Solar System, Sun, Planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn