Zoology Nomenclature



This material is part of the Montessori Zoology curriculum. Zoology is the study of animal characteristics, behavior, physiology, and classification. Animals play a pivotal role in the ecosystem. They contribute to the food web, plants pollination, seeds dispersal, soil enrichment, and other natural processes. Zoology Nomenclature consists of 177 three-part cards and six booklets. In primary level, the three-part cards introduce children to the five vertebrate groups: fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, mammal. The nomenclature cards contain a picture, a label, and a control for error cards (labeled picture) for matching purposes. Descriptions can be found in the booklets to learn facts about the parts.


Interactive Video Lessons
Digital Three-Part Cards
What’s this? (Speech Recognition Activities)
Digital Booklet

Animal phyla represented, 177 cards total:

Fish 10 different pictures
Amphibian 10 different pictures
Reptile 12 different pictures
Bird 10 different pictures
Mammal 17 different pictures


-develops an appreciation for plants
-develops observation skills
-enriches vocabulary related to zoology

Prior Knowledge Recommended

Real life experience with a live animal (pet, wild, zoo, aquarium)
Montessori puzzles (Parts of a fish/amphibian/reptile/bird/mammal)
Literature about animals
Plant vs. Animal
Living vs. NonLiving


Amphibian, Bird, Reptile, Mammal, Fish, Living / Non-Living, Animal – Plant